As if you needed another reason to de-stress your life? I often have clients come in concerned with their performance issues. One such issue is erectile dysfunction, the inability to achieve or keep an erection. There are many reasons for this but the culprit I see most often is the stress hormone, Cortisol. Cortisol is released from the adrenal glad due to stress and anxiety. It could be stress from your job, your relationship, your financial situation, etc. It doesn’t discriminate where the stress is coming from, any type of stress can affect your ability to have and achieve an erection. Do you remember those commercials for the ever popular male enhancement drugs (e.i. viagra)? Well, if you were to have an erection for 4+ hours and went to the hospital for help, the first step would be for them to stick you with adrenaline, which in turn releases Cortisol in your body.
Some great ways to de-stress are to workout, do yoga, increase your hobbies, go on walks with your dog or family, etc. The ones I recommend most often are yoga and grounding exercises. Yoga helps you learn to get in touch with your body while focusing on your breath work. The goal is to move with your breath and to use it towards your advantage in maintaining poses. Grounding techniques focus on small movements and focus points that help you get in touch with your body and mindfully relax certain muscle groups. Doing these types of exercises on a regular basis helps you gain control of and compensate for your stress and anxiety. These practices make real changes in your brain. You are reteaching your neuropathways to better cope with hormonal changes and stresses in your life. The more you practice these techniques the more you are releasing the positive hormones and endorphins.
Want to know more? Interested in sex therapy? Call me to set up an initial assessment.