Hello all!

Two new support groups starting in September!

Reserve your spot now!!

We will limit each group to 10 women.


The Relate Center is starting two new support groups for MOTHERS. One group will be focused on women with children under the age of one. The other group will be for mothers with children over the age of one. In these groups we will discuss things such as how your relationship with your partner has changed since becoming a mother, sex after baby, your new identities as a woman, sexual pain or discomfort, difficulties with breast-feeding, how to keep your relationship alive and healthy. Topics will vary depending on group needs.


These groups will be considered CLOSED, which means people are asked to attend all sessions. The charge of each meeting is $25 or $175 if paid in advance (by the 1st session); there will be 8 sessions.


The dates:

Under 1 year moms: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays each month at 5:30-7pm. Start date Sept 1st

Over 1 year moms: 2nd & 4th Tuesdays each month at 5:30-7pm. Start date Sept 15th


Babies in arms are allowed but please find other arrangements for your older children; this is your time to focus on you!

RSVP to tali@relatecenter.com for more information or

call 512 766-7789.